This policy is reviewed annually.

Dear parent/ carers,

Welcome back to the new term. The Key Stage 2 senior management team have made some adjustments to the Sanctions policy within the department.  After school detention will now be added to the sanctions given. The steps below are guidance but where depending on the severity of the incident, children can move through the steps. Please take the time to read the attached document with your child. I kindly ask that parent and child sign to say they understand the policy and will agree to the sanctions in place.

The order and severity of sanctions are as follows:

  1. Lunch / break detentions
  2. Golden Time taken away
  3. Head of year report / subject report
  4. After school detentions (with parent meeting)
  5. Head of Key Stage report
  6. Suspension ( internal or external; with head of Key Stage report issued upon return of external suspension)

Thank you for your continued co- operation

Key Stage 2 Rewards and Sanctions Policy


  • To outline what rewards are available for children and when and how a reward can be used.
  • To outline what sanctions will be used depending on the severity of incident.


Praising students will raise their self-esteem, help them to learn to accept praise with good grace, enable them to appreciate their strengths, and recognise the success of others and help them to become positive members of society. Praise can be linked to work, effort, willingness, contribution, co-operation, teamwork, thoughtful actions towards and for others and personal achievement, and should be given when:

  • It is above the standard for that group (form, year, key stage, school).
  • It is above the standard for that pu
  • It is of a consistently good standard – this one often gets

Types of reward include:

Positive comments in class and/or reinforcement at end of lesson;

  • Using the pupil journal effectively – this is a way of letting both teacher and parents kn
  • Positive referral – this can be to the pupil’s Teacher, Head of Year, Head of Key Stage, or Prin
  • A letter home to parent
  • Parents’ Evenings – use these as a means of praising where appropri
  • Key Stage or whole school assemblies where children are awarded certificates for outstanding personal achievements, either academically or socially, and are recorded in the students’ file as a permanent record of their achievements.


House Points:

House points are an excellent way of reading children and are a fair representation of effort and behaviour. The house point system is as follows:

  • Children are given house points as a reward for outstanding effort or behaviour. House points can be awarded for extra work, behaviour, class contributions, line behaviour and role models etc…
  • The children are rewarded additionally when they reach certain markers. When they children reach 20, 50, 100 and 200 points they are rewarded with a generous prize.

Golden Rules and Golden Time

The golden rules and Golden time are a fundamental duo! Together they provide a positive behaviour and sanctions system that couple with behaviour guidelines that are based on moral values. They are as follows:

  • We are gentle – We do not hurt others
  • We are kind and helpful – we do not hurt anybody’s feelings
  • We listen – We do not shout out
  • We are honest – We do not cover up the truth
  • We work hard – We do not waste our own or other’s time
  • We look after property – we do not waste or damage things

Golden time helps pupils achieve their full potential! Golden Time is a key stage 2 activity session to celebrate keeping the golden rules. Golden time activities are special activities that the pupils have chosen to do. With a consequence for their actions, pupils learn about the difference between positive behaviour and keeping the golden rules, and disruptive or unhelpful behaviour that stops everyone moving forward. Golden time boards are visible in all classrooms, pupils are given 2 warnings before missing 5 minutes of their golden time. Throughout the week, pupils can lose up to the full lesson of activities. Whilst pupils who have kept the golden rules enjoy their chosen activity, pupils missing time will sit with the head teacher and discuss the reasons for missing golden time.

Each half term key stage 2 will celebrate any pupils who have never missed golden time by having a film and popcorn afternoon.


The school has agreed standards of behaviour with pupils and parents because it believes that good and thoughtful behaviour is essential for effective learning. We seek to prepare pupils to take their place in society. Pupils do not always conform to these agreed standards and a system of sanctions is therefore required.

Sanctions can be linked to work, effort, behaviour and personal conduct and should be given when behaviour, work or effort is:

  • Below the standard expected by the school.
  • Below the standard of that pup
  • Of a consistently poor standard.

We will always try and avoid:

  • Negative comments – especially about the person
  • Punishing a whole group
  • Inconsistency and bias
  • Threatening and not carrying through those threats
  • Imposing excessive sanctions
  • Aggressive shouting
  • Put downs and sarcasm
  • Ridicule or humiliation
  • Causing intentional embarrassment

What sanctions can we use?

  • Make our disapproval clear – by a look, by talking to the student, by showing our disapproval in front of ot
  • Insisting that work is repeated/completed or that extra work is done.
  • Students should be moved in class if their present position is influencing their ability to learn or influencing the learning of othe
  • Using the pupil journal to record information which we wish to pass on to the form Teacher or pare
  • Loss of Privileges e.g. Golden Time – if this is felt by the Head of Key Stage to be an appropriate sanction.
  • Meet with pupil and Head of Year to discuss conduct and agree the way forward.
  • Break-time deten
  • Pupil referred to / Head of Year/ Head of Key Stage/ P
  • After school detentions with parent meeting and meeting with behaviour counsellor.
  • Head of Year and Head of Key Stage report cards.
  • Suspensi

Head of Year report

The Head of Year report card will be printed on yellow card and will last for one week. It will involve the child providing this document to each teacher on a daily basis. The teacher will then grade the child’s attitude and behaviour on a 1-5 scale; 1 being unacceptable and 5 being well behaved and good effort. Each day will be marked out 70 and any score less than 50 is deemed unacceptable; the total will be calculated at the end of each day. The Head of Year report will also go home to parents and will be signed by both the Head of Year and the parents on a daily basis. Once the child’s behaviour has been monitored for a week the Head of Key Stage will sign the child off report if he/she feels it necessary. The following are directions of use for the Head of Year contract.

  • It is the pupil’s responsibility to provide the teacher with this card at the start of every lesson.
  • It is also the responsibility of the pupil to ensure this card is preserved in its original state. Any damaged or lost cards will result in the child staying on report.
  • Staff are expected to fill in details for their lesson according to the 1-5 scale.
  • Head of Year is expected to sign and return back to child at the end of each day ready for the child to take home to be signed by parent.
  • Parents are expected to sign at the end of each day and the card is to be returned the next day.

Head of Year reports can be issued to pupils for the following reasons:

  • Repeated misbehaviou
  • Following two lunchtime detention
  • Rudeness to members of staf
  • Defying instruction
  • Continuously disturbing other pupils and preventing them from doing their wor
  • Encouraging others to misbehav

Pupils will be expected to reflect on their behaviour and either discuss or write down how they feel about their actions. They may be asked to write a letter of apology if this is seen to be appropriate. The pupil may be referred for counselling with the positive behaviour office or psychologist.


After school detentions

If a child continues to demonstrate poor behaviour and effort, having been already issued with a Head of Year report; then the child will be issued with an after school detention. After school detentions will be on Thursday, 3pm till 4:30pm there will be an after school detention with Ms Lauren, Deputy Heads of Key Stage and the positive behaviour councillor. Pupils will stay and reflect on the negative behaviour demonstrated. At 4pm parents will come to school, collecting their child and a meeting will be compulsory to discuss ways forward with behaviour.

Head of Key Stage Report

At this stage the Key Stage Head and parents of the pupil will be immediately involved. It will involve the behaviour of that child being closely monitored by the Head of Key Stage and they alone will be responsible for this. Parents will receive the report card and will be expected to sign it daily. If the offence is considered serious enough by the Key Stage Head an automatic Head of Key stage report card could result in any of the stated consequences being implemented directly.

Serious offences include:

  • Violating or damaging school property
  • Stealing
  • Racist/Religious remarks
  • Any behaviour which causes danger to the pupil or others
  • Serious physical or verbal abuse of pupils or staff


Where suspension is given, a meeting will be called with parents, Head of Key Stage, Head of year and/or teacher and the behaviour discipline officer.

Suspension will be given if there is:

  • Physical aggression including fighting.
  • Severe and persistent bullying (including Cyber bullying).
  • Serious physical or verbal abuse towards pupils or staff

Any child returning to school after a suspension will automatically go on a Head of Key Stage report card.

At parents’ meetings, the cards may be shown to support decisions and as evidence of poor behaviour.



In KS2 each school day is a fresh start and children will be given the chance to redeem themselves from their poor behaviour in previous days.