This policy is reviewed annually.

Display Policy



The purpose of this policy is;

  • To provide support for all staff
  • To provide a framework for the Key stage 2 approach
  • This policy is the responsibility of all staff members.


  • To ensure that all members of staff are aware of the importance of careful display and presentation of children’s work and to provide a standardised approach across the key stage.
  • To give each child a sense of pride and achievement when they see their work displayed.
  • To ensure that school displays are representative of all members of our school community and accessible to all children.

It is essential that staff organisation and presentation is of a high standard and consistent throughout the key stage. It is a valuable tool for showing our children that we value them and their work highly and of communicating to them that it is important to take pride in what they do.

  • Purpose of display
  • To create a stimulating and attractive learning environment.
  • To visually convey the ethos of the school – to children, parent/carers, board members, staff and visitors.
  • To celebrate children’s achievement.
  • To give purpose and value to children’s work.
  • To encourage a positive attitude towards the environment.
  • To reflect our multicultural society.
  • To show progression through the year groups.
  • To give children support and guidance with their learning.
  • To model the quality and standard of work we expect.


It is important that there is a consistent approach to display across the key stage and each classroom has the necessary information displayed to support and aid our children’s learning. Each classroom must have the following displayed:


Planning wall

  • A class timetable should be displayed
  • All short term plans for maths, literacy, science and humanities must be displayed at the beginning of each week.
  • The planning wall should include groupings; guided reading groups, literacy, maths          etc.
  • Class evacuation plans should be displayed.


Maths Working wall.

  • Blue background with a yellow border. Titled ‘Maths working wall’

The maths wall should be filled as topics are taught and not filled at the beginning of           term. Stimulus can change depending on the objectives for the term. Multiplication charts, place value grids etc can stay up all year. Key maths vocabulary for each week must be displayed.

  • The maths wall is meant to be a learning wall, somewhere where will children can access learning resources for the maths lesson. Teachers can stick up big pieces of paper with children’s work. It is meant to be a ‘working wall’
  • It must show key questions, developing thinking.
  • The wall must include a ‘problem of the day’
  • The wall must include ‘If I know…….then I know’

Literacy (VCOP)

  • Red background with blue border. Titled ‘VCOP’
  • All classes must have a VCOP wall, where vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation must be displayed. There must be clear progression between year groups. (see the VCOP pyramid for guidance on what should be displayed.)
  • All classes will display a ‘walking thesaurus’ pupils will write their own vocabulary and insert into the pockets as and when they use it.
  • Teachers do not need to display a separate literacy display, this is optional. There must be evidence of literacy within humanities displays.

All marking policies for literacy and maths must be displayed at the front of the classroom.


  • There are no guidelines for colours, teachers have free reign.
  • Displays must be changed half termly to fit with current science topic.
  • All displays must include key words for the current science topic.
  • The display can include information but MUST include evidence of pupil work too.
  • Science displays can include photographs of investigations that children have completed.
  • Teachers are encouraged to provide pupils will ‘hands on’ opportunities to develop scientific enquiry. This may mean a small table with objects such as magnets, materials, rocks etc that fit with the current topic. Pupils can access this if they finish activities or they may use it as part of a planned activity.


  • There are no guidelines for colours, teachers have free reign.
  • Humanities displays must be changed half termly and within the first two weeks of a new topic.
  • Displays must include evidence of children’s work.
  • There must be key words related to the topic.
  • There must be a blurb (commentary of what children have researched, learned during that topic.)
  • Within the ‘Voyagers’ scheme there are opportunities for independent learning areas. These may include a simple computer area for research or a small role play area.


  • All displays within the corridor will be SEAL displays. These must be changed within the first two weeks of a new topic.
  • The SEAL board can be any colour with a rainbow border.
  • Work can be pinned rather than stapled to prevent changing the background for every new topic.
  • The title for the theme must be displayed along with the SEAL logo.
  • The work displayed may be photos of discussion work or circle times but must include a blurb.
  • The work could be group work completed.
  • The work could be pieces of individual or paired work.
  • The display must be kept tidy, all work must be backed with a border.
  • All classrooms must have a ‘Golden Time’ board displayed with all children’s names.
Reading Areas

It is vital that children in every class have a reading area which celebrates and nurtures a love of reading, including interests of that particular class.

The reading area needs to be attractive and welcoming with a carefully selected range of books which:

  • Relate to the current learning
  • Nurture the class’s interest in reading
  • Support reading development
  • Enable children to talk about their likes and dislikes in reading


  • All classrooms must have the teacher/ co- teacher and class displayed on A4 laminated paper.
  • The doors must not covered with any material unless instructed by the Key Stage head for certain times of the year.
  • All SEAL displays must stay within the display board and nothing can be stuck on the
  • Windows can have displays stuck on them from the inside only. Staff must still have access to view inside the classroom at all times.

French/German displays

  • Teachers do not have to have a French board within their class.
  • A French display board will be placed in the stairwell for the teacher to change half termly.

            Art Displays

  • Each year group must have a display board outside the art classroom. A variety of work produced for that half term must be displayed.
  • The display must include a blurb.

            Music/ I.C.T

  • There must be a board for each year group.
  • Displays must have a clear balance between information for children to access and pupil work.
  • Displays could include photographs of activities pupils have carried out.
  • Displays must change with each new topic taught.

General guidelines for displays.

  • Teacher labelling must be computer fonts. All spelling must be correct.
  • Encourage children to label, including key words etc.
  • Encourage children to draw pictures of key items rather than print from sparklebox etc.
  • All work must be backed with a coloured border. The work must be trimmed with a guillotine.
  • Names of children’s work must be displayed.
  • A variety of children’s work must be displayed.
  • Spelling does not have to be correct on children’s work.
  • Within your own classroom displays should be interactive, including hands on items, where possible.
  • Make your displays engaging, hang things from the ceiling, make them bigger than the display boards. They should be bright and colourful.
  • Limited use of Sparklebox and Twinkl is a must!! Limited use of posters is a must!!


All teachers are encouraged to produce stimulating and engaging displays. The best display will be chosen each half term and the class will win a prize. A display portfolio will be kept within the Key Stage 2 office. Take photographs of your displays and put them in there. Ideas can be used and adapted year on year.