Every Child has the right to an Education.

Admissions Requirements

Thank you for considering joining EBIS, part of the ISC. We look forward to welcoming you. EBIS enrolls students regardless of nationality, race or gender. We gather information from applicants and conduct an assessment test in English and Mathematics to determine the suitability of our educational programme to your child’s educational needs.

Applicants with special needs and behavioural problems are required to submit assessment reports to determine whether EBIS staff and resources can facilitate their learning needs.

Admissions Procedures

EBIS as a member of the ISC School Network is academically oriented & highly selective. The criterion for acceptance in any year level is academic accomplishment, rather than age, although age acts as a limiting aspect.

Thought is first given to students who already have siblings registered in our school. Additional consideration is given to students who apply from schools which offer similar academic programmes or follow a similar academic syllabus. More consideration is given to students with the most academic ability keeping in mind space availability and the date when the application was first processed. All other considerations may or may not play a major role in the admission process depending on the individual case.

The Admissions Process

The process is planned to be personal and informative for all prospective families. Below is a list of activities and the overall direction in which they occur:

  • Online Application

Complete the online application. After your application has been processed, you will be contacted by the admissions office through email with an assessment date and time for your child & during this time a parent interview will take place.

  • Campus Tour
    Interested families are invited to visit ISC for a campus tour and talk to our admissions staff. Appointments can be made by contacting us.
  • Application
    To start the admissions process, ISC must receive the completed enrolment application & required documents. Applications are accepted throughout the school year subject to availability of spaces.
  • Assessment Test
  • All candidates for Years 1-12 are assessed as part of the admissions process. Prospective students at Foundation, Year 1 is interviewed and evaluated by the Lower Primary Heads. Students applying for Years 3-12 take tests in the core subjects of Mathematics & English.
  • The assessment tests are evaluated to determine if the student has attained the minimum expected standard for each subject. The final assessment decision is made by the school and the family is informed.
  • School Records
    The International Schools Campus ISC requests that parents/guardians of all applicants provide current school records including transcripts, any test/exam results from the former years and any psychological/neurological evaluations. These forms should be handed in to our admission staff upon initiation of the admissions process in support of the application. A final admissions decision cannot be made without this information.
  • Admissions Results
    Admissions decisions are made after careful evaluation of candidates to determine the appropriateness of ISC and its programme of study for each applicant. Results of assessment testing and former school records are considered on a case-by-case basis. Additional criteria for admission include motivation, social and emotional development, willingness to work hard and the ability of ISC to accommodate the needs of the candidate.
  • Admissions Checklist:
  • Schedule a school visit and tour.
  • Complete and return the following documents:
    • Enrolment Documents
    • Student Medical Form
    • Copy of birth certificate and/or passport for non-Egyptians
      (which will be photocopied and returned immediately)
    • Former Academic reports.
    • 6 Recent passport-sized photo

For Online Admission

Contact us to set a date for assessment testing.